This week is Teacher Appreciation Week, so we will be highlighting several WPS Teachers each day.
almost 2 years ago, Welch Public School
C. Gleaves
S Goodwin
Congratulations to Gage Miller!!
almost 2 years ago, Welch Public School
Hagan Scholarship
This week is Teacher Appreciation Week, so we will be highlighting several WPS Teachers each day.
almost 2 years ago, Welch Public School
A Miller
This week is Teacher Appreciation Week, so we will be highlighting several WPS Teachers each day.
almost 2 years ago, Welch Public School
a Goodwin
2023-2024 Registration for Oklahoma Math Tutoring Corps for grades 7th-9th. There is no cost to participate and OSDE will provide any needed technology or internet access. Tutoring schedules will be outside of the school day.
almost 2 years ago, Welch Public School
Math Tutoring
Welch Online Store, 20% off in the month of May
almost 2 years ago, Welch Public Schools
May sale
This week is Teacher Appreciation Week, so we will be highlighting several WPS Teachers each day.
almost 2 years ago, Welch Public School
Mr Bryson
Ms. Fulks
Mrs. Kelley
G Miller
Today is College Decision Day.
almost 2 years ago, Welch Public School
Gage Miller chooses Harvard
Don't forget to come by and donate today!! We will be open from 12:45pm to 4pm today in the New Gym
almost 2 years ago, Welch Public School
Blood Drive
Mrs. Miller's English classes practiced vocabulary defining skills through various games, including an adapted game of PIG, as created by one of our juniors.
almost 2 years ago, Welch Public School
3 Girls playing
students playing
students playing
NHS Blood Drive in New Gym April 25th 12:45pm - 4pm
almost 2 years ago, Welch Public School
Blood Drive
Welch Wildcats are your District's Champions
almost 2 years ago, Welch Public Schools
district champs
Sharing the Craig County Fair information
almost 2 years ago, Welch Public Schools
Craig Co
Thank you First Christian Church of Miami for the donation towards 5th & 6th Grade's National Quiz Bowl Tournament fees.
almost 2 years ago, Welch Public School
Quiz Bowl Team w/ First Christian Church Pastor
JH Wildcats taking the ⚾️diamond
almost 2 years ago, Welch Public Schools
JH bb
Monday Awards! Week of March 27th. High 5 Students, Hallway Award - Kindergarten, Principals Chair - Karleigh Fry
almost 2 years ago, Welch Public Schools
Hallway Award  Kindergarten
High 5 Students
Principals Chair
Updated Lucky 7 Baseball tournament. Will be played Friday and Saturday at Wyandotte.
almost 2 years ago, Welch Public Schools
Updated Lucky 7 baseball tournament. It will be played at Wyandotte Friday and Saturday
Here is the updated schedule for tomorrow and Saturday’s tournament. They are waiting to make a call on the location for Saturday. Boys need to be at the old gym at 7:45am. Wyandotte wanted me to till patrons to be careful. Their parking lot and areas around the field are a muddy mess due to rain and construction vehicles tearing it up. Thank you
about 2 years ago, Welch Public Schools
Here is the updated schedule for tomorrow and Saturday’s tournament. They are waiting to make a call on the location for Saturday. Boys need to be at the old gym at 7:45am. Wyandotte wanted me to till patrons to be careful. Their parking lot and areas around the field are a muddy mess due to rain and construction vehicles tearing it up. Thank you
about 2 years ago, Welch Public Schools
Hello Wildcats, reminder there is no school tomorrow, Friday, March 10. This is a scheduled Professional Development Day for staff. Votech students follow same bus pickup and drop times for your AM/PM classes. Go Wildcats!
about 2 years ago, Welch Public Schools